Hippie Hill 2019 - High Hemp Herbal Wraps

Hippie Hill 2019

May 23, 2019Dorsa Vaziri

In San Francisco, California every on 4/20, the biggest smoking event of the year happens at Golden Gate Park. Hippie Hill is one of our favorite events to be apart of! Everyone comes together to celebrate all things cannabis, hemp and green on the best holiday of the year. The event takes place all day on April 20th with a giant smoke session right at 4:20pm to create the biggest cloud of smoke possible. It pretty much covers all of the park. 

We get to reach so many existing fans to share our wraps and rolling papers and meet new folks along the way to share the hemp message of High Hemp Wraps! We set up our booth with games and prizes, our High Hemp team rolling blunts on the spot and the creator herself, Paola Fernandez, ready with the party. 

Have you seen a bigger hemp blunt before??? This is what we passed around at Hippie Hill this year. If you were there, you know. If you missed out, there's always next year! 


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